Savvy DAO - Delegate Communication Thread

3. Savvy DAO has voted FOR the Solv Protocol proposal.

Solv Protocol’s continued engagement and innovative approaches have proven effective, as evidenced by their significant growth during the initial STIP phase. By efficiently utilizing the first 150K ARB incentive, Solv expanded its TVL from $3.3M to an impressive $107.5M, showcasing a remarkable ability to attract and retain capital on the Arbitrum platform. The proposal to equally split the renewed 150K ARB between the established vault strategies and the new SolvBTC product demonstrates a strategic balance between sustaining proven approaches and exploring promising new ventures. Additionally, Solv’s commitment to refining their tracking systems and distribution processes reflects a proactive stance toward improving operational efficiencies and user engagement. Given these factors, voting FOR this proposal supports not only the continuation of a successful growth strategy but also the broader development of the Arbitrum ecosystem.