Trader Joe STIP Program Update #10 (Mar. 22, 2024)


Trader Joe is entering the final week of the STIP grant and will be distributing the remaining $ARB tokens via its Auto-Pool Farms.

ARB Received Last Disbursement: 1,510,000

Amount of ARB to be distributed: ~19,000

Contracts incentivized over the last 2 weeks:

Pair Name Rewards Reward/day Pool Address pair_address Reward address
USDV-USDC 1,125 80.36 Trader Joe XYZ | Leading Decentralized Exchange Contract Address 0x53ECccCAAa368A9431b3659a8e37Ce4B411ad258 | Arbiscan $1.61 | Arbitrum (ARB) Token Tracker | Arbiscan
ARB-USDC (20 bps) 13,000 928.57 Trader Joe XYZ | Leading Decentralized Exchange Contract Address 0xF8a60082039A1Acbe43b045f87AA0c5f24a358a4 | Arbiscan $1.61 | Arbitrum (ARB) Token Tracker | Arbiscan
ETH-USDT 5,000 357.14 Trader Joe XYZ | Leading Decentralized Exchange Contract Address 0xd387c40a72703B38A5181573724bcaF2Ce6038a5 | Arbiscan $1.61 | Arbitrum (ARB) Token Tracker | Arbiscan
ETH-USDC.e 5,000 357.14 Trader Joe XYZ | Leading Decentralized Exchange Contract Address 0x94d53BE52706a155d27440C4a2434BEa772a6f7C | Arbiscan $1.61 | Arbitrum (ARB) Token Tracker | Arbiscan
MAGIC - ETH 5,000 357.14 Trader Joe XYZ | Leading Decentralized Exchange Contract Address 0xE847C55a3148580E864EC31E7273bc4eC25089c1 | Arbiscan $1.61 | Arbitrum (ARB) Token Tracker | Arbiscan
PENDLE - ETH 5,000 357.14 Trader Joe XYZ | Leading Decentralized Exchange Contract Address 0xe2b32e6Dd706af1aE7E6Ea71d0477b5aDaF9c9D1 | Arbiscan $1.61 | Arbitrum (ARB) Token Tracker | Arbiscan
WBNB - ETH 2,500 178.57 Trader Joe XYZ | Leading Decentralized Exchange Contract Address 0x9c27d9cE9942A7A9BB1889Cb5512874B8549eCAe | Arbiscan $1.61 | Arbitrum (ARB) Token Tracker | Arbiscan
ETH - USDC (AP) 20,000 1,428.57 Trader Joe XYZ | Leading Decentralized Exchange Contract Address 0x5fb31318e9a82efcaa2cfefbacf63e85f4dff2f1 | Arbiscan $1.61 | Arbitrum (ARB) Token Tracker | Arbiscan
WBTC - ETH (AP) 3,500 250.00 Trader Joe XYZ | Leading Decentralized Exchange Contract Address 0xea9f1ab0ccdb6baf36ce8567d65f354f2945f0da | Arbiscan $1.61 | Arbitrum (ARB) Token Tracker | Arbiscan
ARB - ETH (AP) 25,000 1,785.71 Trader Joe XYZ | Leading Decentralized Exchange Contract Address 0xa37ef01065e0328b50a85256e159b9aaed196e05 | Arbiscan $1.61 | Arbitrum (ARB) Token Tracker | Arbiscan
JOE - ETH (AP) 8,000 571.43 Trader Joe XYZ | Leading Decentralized Exchange Contract Address 0x4b9bfeD1dD4E6780454b2B02213788f31FfBA74a | Arbiscan $1.61 | Arbitrum (ARB) Token Tracker | Arbiscan

Contract address label Form 2 3 completed for all addresses: YES

Summary of incentives:

Full Phase Overview: 2

Full Program Overview: 1


Record daily highs for fee generation, volume and local highs for daily active users

Average 14D TVL: $44.2m (-12% 14d)

Average 14D daily volumes: $65.2m (+6% 14d)

Average 14D unique user addresses: 6.7k (-41.8% 14d)

14D Avg Daily Transaction fees: $66.4k (+1.1% 14d)

Link to our full reporting dashboard:

STIP KPI Dashboard | Trader Joe | Flipside 7 1

Plan For the Next Two Weeks

Amount of ARB to be distributed: 19,000 ARB

Contract address label Form 2 3 completed for all addresses: YES

Mechanism for distribution incentives:

Auto-Pool Yield Farms distribute the planned incentives in a linear fashion and can be collected at any time by all participants in an Auto-Pool Yield Farm. Rewards are shared proportionately to all users in the Auto-Pool Yield Farm.

Summary of incentives plan:

The below ARB being utilized will be distributed over the dates 23rd of March to the 29th of March

  • Auto-Pool Yield Farms 19k $ARB

Access to all previous STIP updates: