Trader Joe STIP Program Update #6 (Jan. 26, 2024)


Whilst wider ecosystem efforts to onboard users and drive activity in Arbitrum has benefited Trader Joe resulting in uplifts to daily active users (DAU). The overall core metrics for TVL, Volume and Swap Fees have seen 14d reductions. This is largely been driven by overall lower transaction activity in the ecosystem. Notably core trading pairs in particularly have seen increased competition in recent weeks, with competing protocols lowering fees in some cases to accrue more trade flow.

This part of the grant program for Trader Joe takes a second and last review at Phase 2 market performance. The grant program aims to support the sustainable growth of Liquidity and analysis of Phase 2 Markets is being finalized. Any markets falling below a measured TVL threshold will receive bonus JOE rewards.

Trader Joe remains high conviction of native long tail tokens and new to Arbitrum long tail tokens by so far supporting 19 different projects with ARB rewards, helping to foster discovery and directly support the builders that are contributing to Arbitrums success.

KPI Tracking and TVL Support Strategy

Our grant program includes a mechanism to sustain Total Value Locked (TVL) in markets after distributing ARB rewards. Here’s how it works:

  • TVL Threshold: If TVL drops below 25% of its peak 7-day average within 28 days after ARB reward distribution, additional JOE rewards will be allocated.
  • Evaluation Method: We use a 7-day rolling average to evaluate TVL, comparing it against the highest average during the reward period.

Phase 2 Market Analysis with ARB Rewards

We’ve analyzed the markets from Phase 2 that received ARB rewards using a color-coded system (traffic lights) to indicate changes in TVL. This analysis was conducted 14 days following the ARB reward distribution.

  • Graph Insights: Markets WINR, VRTX and Treasure, have fallen below the TVL threshold and will therefore receive JOE rewards equal to a total of 10% of the value to the allocated ARB rewards distributed over 2 successive Epochs. WINR and MAGIC will receive the last confirmed allocation of JOE rewards. VRTX will receive its 1st round of JOE rewards.

Summary of Phase 2 Market Performance

  • Out of 6 markets in Phase 2:
    • Three markets required further rewards post ARB
    • Two markets have required no additional rewards post ARB
    • One market has grown positively due to externally provided rewards post ARB

ARB Received Last Disbursement: 1,510,000

Amount of ARB to be distributed: 123,750 ARB

Contracts incentivized over the last 2 weeks:

Pair Name Rewards Reward/day Pool Address pair_address Reward address
CTX-ETH 500 35.71 Trader Joe XYZ | Leading Decentralized Exchange Contract Address 0x6524EC5ea3E10c669d5b6a482F8E59baa338C0d5 | Arbiscan $1.77 | Arbitrum (ARB) Token Tracker | Arbiscan
USDV-USDC 2,250 223.21 Trader Joe XYZ | Leading Decentralized Exchange Contract Address 0x53ECccCAAa368A9431b3659a8e37Ce4B411ad258 | Arbiscan $1.77 | Arbitrum (ARB) Token Tracker | Arbiscan
RDNT - ETH 30,000 2,142.86 Trader Joe XYZ | Leading Decentralized Exchange Contract Address 0x003aD0975250C810AD75fD83E989F54625caC514 | Arbiscan $1.77 | Arbitrum (ARB) Token Tracker | Arbiscan
ALPHA-ETH 3,000 214.29 Trader Joe XYZ | Leading Decentralized Exchange Contract Address 0x22B8fd7294c6B1Aaab3263902Cd2883Fc9360fe6 | Arbiscan $1.77 | Arbitrum (ARB) Token Tracker | Arbiscan
ETH - USDC (AP) 25,000 1,785.71 Trader Joe XYZ | Leading Decentralized Exchange Contract Address 0x5fb31318e9a82efcaa2cfefbacf63e85f4dff2f1 | Arbiscan $1.77 | Arbitrum (ARB) Token Tracker | Arbiscan
WBTC - ETH (AP) 5,000 357.14 Trader Joe XYZ | Leading Decentralized Exchange Contract Address 0xea9f1ab0ccdb6baf36ce8567d65f354f2945f0da | Arbiscan $1.77 | Arbitrum (ARB) Token Tracker | Arbiscan
ARB - ETH (AP) 30,000 2,142.86 Trader Joe XYZ | Leading Decentralized Exchange Contract Address 0xa37ef01065e0328b50a85256e159b9aaed196e05 | Arbiscan $1.77 | Arbitrum (ARB) Token Tracker | Arbiscan
JOE - ETH (AP) 12,500 892.86 Trader Joe XYZ | Leading Decentralized Exchange Contract Address 0x4b9bfeD1dD4E6780454b2B02213788f31FfBA74a | Arbiscan $1.77 | Arbitrum (ARB) Token Tracker | Arbiscan
ARB-USDC (20 bps) 15,000 1,071.43 Trader Joe XYZ | Leading Decentralized Exchange Contract Address 0xF8a60082039A1Acbe43b045f87AA0c5f24a358a4 | Arbiscan $1.77 | Arbitrum (ARB) Token Tracker | Arbiscan
MEAT-ETH 500 35.71 Trader Joe XYZ | Leading Decentralized Exchange Contract Address 0xBF24d6B6a37C5d950dABbC036c6Fb05Dd40ae222 | Arbiscan $1.77 | Arbitrum (ARB) Token Tracker | Arbiscan

Contract address label Form 2 3 completed for all addresses: YES

ARB left over: 332,000 (excluding the coming 2 week period)

Plan for leftover ARB:

Summary of incentives:

  • MM Rewards: Native Tokens 41k $ARB
  • MM Rewards: Multi-Chain Tokens 6.25k $ARB
  • MM Rewards: New-To-Arbitrum Tokens 500 $ARB
  • Auto-Pool Yield Farms 72.5k $ARB

Full Phase Overview: 2

Full Program Overview: 1

Recent Epoch Overview:

Additional Info / Disclosures to Multisig: N/A


Record daily highs for fee generation, volume and local highs for daily active users

Average 14D TVL: $35.2m (-8.6% 14d) (+3% 30d)

Average 14D daily volumes: $33.4m (-39% 14d) (+74.1% 30d)

Average 14D unique user addresses: 17.8k (+39.3% 14d) (-78.1% 30d)

14D Avg Daily Transaction fees: $41.3k (-40.1% 14d) (+51.9% 30d)

Link to our full reporting dashboard:

STIP KPI Dashboard | Trader Joe | Flipside 7 1

Plan For the Next Two Weeks

Amount of ARB to be distributed: 123,750 ARB

Contract address label Form 2 3 completed for all addresses: YES

Mechanism for distribution incentives:

Pair Name Rewards Reward/day Pool Address pair_address Reward address
ETH - USDC (AP) 22,500 1,607.14 Trader Joe XYZ | Leading Decentralized Exchange Contract Address 0x5fb31318e9a82efcaa2cfefbacf63e85f4dff2f1 | Arbiscan $1.77 | Arbitrum (ARB) Token Tracker | Arbiscan
WBTC - ETH (AP) 4,500 321.43 Trader Joe XYZ | Leading Decentralized Exchange Contract Address 0xea9f1ab0ccdb6baf36ce8567d65f354f2945f0da | Arbiscan $1.77 | Arbitrum (ARB) Token Tracker | Arbiscan
ARB - ETH (AP) 27,500 1,964.29 Trader Joe XYZ | Leading Decentralized Exchange Contract Address 0xa37ef01065e0328b50a85256e159b9aaed196e05 | Arbiscan $1.77 | Arbitrum (ARB) Token Tracker | Arbiscan
JOE - ETH (AP) 10,000 714.29 Trader Joe XYZ | Leading Decentralized Exchange Contract Address 0x4b9bfeD1dD4E6780454b2B02213788f31FfBA74a | Arbiscan $1.77 | Arbitrum (ARB) Token Tracker | Arbiscan
CTX-ETH 500 35.71 Trader Joe XYZ | Leading Decentralized Exchange Contract Address 0x6524EC5ea3E10c669d5b6a482F8E59baa338C0d5 | Arbiscan $1.77 | Arbitrum (ARB) Token Tracker | Arbiscan
USDV-USDC 1,125 80.36 Trader Joe XYZ | Leading Decentralized Exchange Contract Address 0x53ECccCAAa368A9431b3659a8e37Ce4B411ad258 | Arbiscan $1.77 | Arbitrum (ARB) Token Tracker | Arbiscan
ARB-USDC (20 bps) 13,750 982.14 Trader Joe XYZ | Leading Decentralized Exchange Contract Address 0xF8a60082039A1Acbe43b045f87AA0c5f24a358a4 | Arbiscan $1.77 | Arbitrum (ARB) Token Tracker | Arbiscan
ETH-USDT 5,000 357.14 $1.77 | Arbitrum (ARB) Token Tracker | Arbiscan
ETH-USDC.e 5,000 357.14 $1.77 | Arbitrum (ARB) Token Tracker | Arbiscan
MAGIC - ETH 5,000 357.14 $1.77 | Arbitrum (ARB) Token Tracker | Arbiscan
PENDLE - ETH 5,000 357.14 $1.77 | Arbitrum (ARB) Token Tracker | Arbiscan
WBNB - ETH 2,500 178.57

Maker Incentive Program that measures Liquidity Providers total fees accrued over the defined Epoch duration of 14 days and ranks them according to fees accrued. The top 30 in each respective Liquidity Pool will share the rewards based on a power function (power=0.7). Rewards are retroactively distributed in the following days after the defined Epoch and can be claimed directly on the UI via a smart contract. Rewards vest between 1 hour and 7 days.

Auto-Pool Yield Farms distribute the planned incentives in a linear fashion and can be collected at any time by all participants in an Auto-Pool Yield Farm. Rewards are shared proportionately to all users in the Auto-Pool Yield Farm.

Summary of incentives plan:

The below ARB being utilized will be distributed over the dates 27th of Jan to 9th of Feb

  • MM Rewards: 37.5k $ARB
  • Auto-Pool Yield Farms 64.5k $ARB

Summary of changes to the original plan:

None to report

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