Uniswap-Arbitrum Delegate Program (UADP) Communication Thread

Pilot Program Council Elections

Vote: 404DAO, GFX, Wintermute, Karpatkey, Bob Rossi
Type: Snapshot

Pilot Program Advisor Elections

Vote: Seed Latam, JoJo, Boardroom
Type: Snapshot

We’re excited to see the next step of the Pilot Program being voted on, and we’re happy the individual council elections are taking place democratically. We believe these 5 councilors and 3 program advisors are best suited for the first iteration of the role. When choosing our reviewers, we looked for people that have been long involved in the Arbitrum ecosystem and have also had a great track record in Arbitrum and other DAOs; bonus points for being on other grant councils and delegates. When choosing our advisors, we looked for teams or individuals that high a great holistic understanding of the DAO, were involved in various aspects, and also held and had experience with other web3 communities.