Arbitrum Academy

With the support of the Questbook program and our grant managers (@Manugotsuka @cattin), we developed the Arbitrum Education Academy. Thanks to @raam for tips on increasing the academy’s visibility. Our goal is to make learning about Arbitrum as accessible as possible, using a variety of information formats.

Please explore and share your feedback.

For any changes, fixes, or concerns, feel free to message me on:

  • Telegram: @robinnagpal
  • Discord: @robinnagpal

We will continue to disseminate information about Arbitrum via the Academy Site across various channels and would greatly appreciate it if others could also share it.

Next Steps

While these initiatives are not covered by the grant, we are still keen to pursue the following:

  1. Coordinate with other educational and onboarding programs such as the Onboarding Working Group (@RikaGoldberg @krst) and Grants Ship (@UI369).
  2. Offer monthly educational sessions with a focus on high-level technical aspects for DAO members, centered on Arbitrum Products.
  3. Improve the Academy to display all active programs (this feature is currently absent, but we believe it is crucial).

For any changes, fixes, or concerns, please reach out to me on Telegram (@robinnagpal) or Discord (@robinnagpal).


The Onboarding Working Group would love to coordinate with you! I’m sharing our announcement post for cross-reference. Also, feel free to hop on to our onboarding calls on Thursdays at 6-7pm EST or Mondays at 9-10am. (More details and the links are in the announcement post).


Good work, at the first glance - very nice and structured.


Feedback about
I was explaining about Arbitrum to a friend using the web page and when he made login a women avatar appers in his profile… i was a extrange momen. Maybe consider an animal, object or to use an algoritm for to geneerate a ramdon color could be better to reduce this identity friction.
Congrats by the content, is top quality =)

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Thank you @RikaGoldberg. I will be joining your calls. There are many ways we can collaborate and offer a smooth Onboarding :slight_smile: to the DAO.

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Thank you @cp0x & @TheMvp07 for taking out time checking the site.

@TheMvp07 point taken on the Avatar. Will get it updated in a couple of days!

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Great initiative! I would like to know the details :+1:

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Great work, team! I’ll be sure to explore and provide feedback.

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Here is the current report of Arbitrum Academy

Hello, i´m part of the Onboarding Working Group - (Education/Content creation group), will be possibe invite someone from Arbitrum Academy to participate in a call with the group to share your experience during the grant and explore ways to continue building together?