Arbitrum DAO News: Governance, Grants and Treasury WG Updates, February 6th 💻

With protocol upgrade proposals, the development of the Uniswap Arbitrum Grants Program, and potential new investment and treasury diversification alternatives, we have an exciting week ahead filled with growth and learning.

Let’s dive into the Arbitrum DAO Updates! :rocket:

:eyes: TL;DR - Snapshot of the Week

  • Arbitrum LATAM Report
  • AIP: ArbOS Version 20 “Atlas”
  • Questbook DDA Grants Program Updates
  • AIP: Batch Poster Manager and Sequencer Inbox Finality Fix
  • Uniswap-Arbitrum Grant Program (UAGP) Updates
  • Arbitrum Stable Treasury Endowment Program
  • Upcoming DAO Calls and Events
  • Active Proposals Live for Voting
  • Notable Forum Discussions

:newspaper: Governance News

:bookmark_tabs: Arbitrum LATAM Report

The Arbitrum LATAM Report for January 2024 outlines a project aimed at educating the Latin American community about Arbitrum through a Spanish website, various communication channels, and educational materials. The initiative has received positive feedback from the community and has already produced a podcast series. The launch of the website is planned for February, followed by expanded social media engagement and university outreach in March.

You can check out the first report here.

:dollar: Grants News

:unicorn: Uniswap-Arbitrum Grant Program (U) Cohort 1

The first cohort of grantees for the UAGP has been shared with the community, along with some significant metrics. You can review it here.

:saluting_face: Round 4 of “Our Biggest Minigrants Yet” is live!

This week, the ArbitrumDAO will be granting 2,500 ARB to each of the top four projects, totaling 10,000 ARB distributed in this round.

If you are developing in the ‘Scaling DeFi for the Masses’ category we encourage you to submit your application.

:fire: Questbook DDA Grants Program

Questbook DDA grants have completed their first round of grants, and they are currently in the analysis, report delivery, and feedback session to open a new proposal for the program’s continuation.

An open session, “Feedback for Questbook DDA Grants Program,” will take place on Thursday, February 8th, and can be found on the ArbitrumDAO Governance Community Calendar.

:dollar: Thank ARB Milestone Claiming Period

The claiming period for Thank ARB Milestone 1 Campaigns 1, 2, and 3 is coming to an end, with over 4,000 ARB to be distributed and more than 1,000 contributions completed. If you have contributed, you can check your status here.

:woman_judge:t2: Some Governance Discussions:

EAIP: ArbOS Version 20 “Atlas”


This proposes improvements to Arbitrum chains to leverage EIP 4844 to post batches of L2 transactions as Blobs on L1 Ethereum at a cheaper price, as well as support most of the changes included in Ethereum’s Dencun upgrade.

It is worth noting that ArbOS Version 20 is an upgrade that builds upon ArbOS Version 11 (which has been adopted by the ArbitrumDAO and will go live this week).


The proposal is currently in off-chain voting on Snapshot, available until February 9th.

AIP: Batch Poster Manager and Sequencer Inbox Finality Fix


This proposes improvements to batch posting for the Arbitrum One and Nova chains, including the introduction of a “batch poster manager” role with the ability to grant/revoke batch-posting affordances; and an increase to the max-time-variation “future blocks” and “future seconds” values to 64 and 768, respectively, in line with Ethereum’s proof of stake finality guarantees

These changes aim to make the system more resilient and do not represent a change to the system’s current trust model.


The proposal is currently in off-chain voting on Snapshot, available until February 12th.

:ballot_box:Voting Reminders

:date: Governance Calls

Previous Calls:

  • Questbook DDA Grants Program - review of funded applications
  • Biggest Problem Workshop Series (Hosted by Plurality Labs)
  • Twitter Spaces: Arbitrum Stable Treasury Endowment Program
  • Incentives Working Group Call

Upcoming Calls:

  • Arbitrum Open Governance Call
  • Feedback for Questbook DDA Grants Program
  • Grantee Help Session - Prepping for Decentralized Reviews
  • Arbitrum - L2Beat Office Hours
  • Arbitrum KPI Working Group
  • Open Arbitrum Delegates Emergent Workshop

You can subscribe and add the Arbitrum governance calls to your calendar here.

:globe_with_meridians: Arbitrum DAO Resources

To stay connected and informed, here are some valuable resources:

:saluting_face: Stay Connected, Stay Informed

Every week, we analyze new proposals, summarize the state of the Arbitrum DAO, and provide you with the tools to contribute and increase your impact in the Arbitrum ecosystem.

We would love to hear your feedback as we continue to provide more Arbitrum DAO news each week.

Until the next edition, happy governing! :blue_heart::orange_heart:


:open_book: Don’t forget to subscribe:

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