Arbitrum DAO News, Learning Arbitrum Stylus, Tracking ongoing initiatives, May 30th

This week in the DAO has been relatively calm, with updates on ongoing initiatives, a new proposal, funding and incentive programs, and voting for delegates.

Let’s dive into this week’s Arbitrum DAO news :rocket:

:eyes: TL;DR - Snapshot of the Week

  • Arbitrum Learning Track on Hack Quest
  • Farcaster Integrates with Arbitrum
  • Arbitrum Foundation Grants Phase 3
  • Mint an open edition #Arbizuki on Zora
  • Arbitrum Ecosystem Spotlight: Factor DAO
  • Thank ARB Program Update Assessors Needed
  • ARDC and ADPC Updates
  • Onboarding to the Arbitrum DAO
  • Discussions and Proposals
  • Voting Reminders
  • Governance Calls
  • DAO Resources

Ecosystem News :blue_heart:

Arbitrum Learning Track on Hack Quest

This comprehensive track provides everything you need to master DeFi strategies and development on Arbitrum.

What’s Included:

  • Bite-sized modules on Arbitrum essentials, Rust syntax, and Stylus SDK.
  • Step-by-step projects like Bulls and Cows Guessing Game, ERC20 Token, NFT, and DeFi Smart Vaults.
  • A personalized dashboard for tracking your progress and missions.
  • Post-course support and a verifiable, on-chain certification.

Start your Stylus learning here.

Farcaster Integrates with Arbitrum

To celebrate this integration, Arbitrum Foundation launched: :purple_square:Frame It​:purple_square:

A buildathon for developers to create Frames on Arbitrum, with $500k USD in retroactive rewards.

Apply here for retroactive rewards every two weeks.

Arbitrum Foundation Grants Phase 3

If you’re developing a dApp on Arbitrum or want to add value to the ecosystem, Arbitrum Foundation Grants Phase 3 has opened new tracks:

Growth Track

For projects with early traction aiming to launch on Arbitrum (One or Nova) mainnet soon.

Advanced Growth Track

For projects with significant traction looking to boost their growth on Arbitrum (One or Nova).

Orbit Track

For projects building innovative app chains, rollups, and rollup infrastructure on Orbit.

Stylus Track

For projects involving complex cryptography, on-chain generative art, or math-heavy finance algorithms on Stylus.

Multichain Growth Track

For projects with strong traction on another blockchain but interested in integrating with Arbitrum.

If you fit any of these tracks, apply here: Apply Now

Mint an open edition #Arbizuki on Zora

For the Arbitrum community, there’s an open edition of Azuki #723 on Arbitrum via Zora with a minting fee of 0.000777 ETH.

The open mint will last for one month! Mint your Azuki #723 here.

:speaking_head: Ecosystem Spotlight

Factor DAO

FactorDAO is a community-governed platform revolutionizing the way complex DeFi strategies are built and automated. By providing powerful yet intuitive tools, FactorDAO makes creating and managing cross-protocol DeFi strategies as easy as drag-and-drop, without any coding required.

Learn more about Factor | Factor Docs

:wink: DAO News

Thank ARB Program Update Assessors Needed

The Thank ARB program is seeking assessors for grant proposals in the Firestarters and RFP programs. The program is looking for “Tier 1 Reviewers” with expertise in the Arbitrum ecosystem. Reviewers will be compensated with 100 ARB per application review.

Additionally, “Tier 2 Reviewers” are needed for initial assessments to filter out spam and ineligible projects. Tier 2 Reviewers will earn 10 ARB per review and have the opportunity to advance to Tier 1.

This initiative aims to allocate 3 million ARB this summer. Interested community members are encouraged to apply.

Arbitrum Research and Development Committee Updates

The ARDC has been very active over the past week, sharing important updates on various proposals and concerns within the DAO.

These updates ensure that delegates are well-informed and equipped to make the right decisions for the DAO’s future.

Gaming Catalyst Program Analysis

Delphi Creative has posted a SWOT analysis for the current Gaming Catalyst Program (GCP) proposal. This memo highlights the opportunities and areas needing attention within the GCP mandate.

Read the analysis here.

STIP Analysis (ARDC Research Deliverables)

Blockworks Research has conducted a short-form case study on GMX, the largest STIP recipient. This study examines GMX’s application, reporting structure, incentive mechanisms, and the sustainability of activities induced by incentives. This is part of a broader analysis of the overall STIP process.

Read the case study here.

Arbitrum Development Proposal Committee (ADPC) Updates

The Snapshot proposal to establish a Sub-Committee for the Security Services Subsidy fund is now up for voting. Vote here.

The ADPC has also shared its bi-weekly card recording for additional insights.

Arbitrum DAO Onboarding for new contributors

If you’re interested in participating, the meetings occur every Monday at 1 pm UTC and Thursday at 11 pm UTC.

I'm interested in becoming an Arbitrum DAO member or contributor

Please make sure to add the Arbitrum DAO Calendar for the full schedule and the most accurate times.

I'm looking for new contributors for my Arbitrum DAO projects or working group

A list of contributors with different backgrounds and interests in the DAO will be created. If you’re a member of a working group in the DAO, interested in recruiting new members or contributors for your initiatives, or involved in creating a new proposal, etc., feel free to reach out on TG at @ArbitrumDAOOnboarding so we can connect you directly with interested contributors.

You can find more details about this working group in the Arbitrum Forum.

:bookmark_tabs: Some Governance Discussions:

AIP: Funds to bootstrap the first BoLD validator

The Arbitrum Foundation is seeking 5,134 ETH to bootstrap the first BoLD validator, covering assertion and challenge bonds, service fees, and L1 gas cost refunds. This proposal is contingent on the approval of the “AIP to upgrade the DAO-governed chains to use BoLD.”


The proposal aims to appoint the Arbitrum Foundation as the first active proposer for Arbitrum One, ensuring the chain’s security and integrity in the absence of an economic incentive mechanism.

Projects asks
  • Assertion and Challenge Bonds: 4,234 ETH for the bonds required to run a BoLD validator.
  • Service Fees: 500 ETH to pay proposers actively participating in advancing the chain.
  • L1 Gas Costs: 400 ETH to reimburse proposers for gas costs over three years.

If the BoLD proposal is not approved, the funds will be returned to the ArbitrumDAO within 30 days.

Ask: 5,134 ETH.

Proposal: The Startup Collective - Ecosystem Growth in Arbitrum.

The Arbitrum Startup Collective aims to supercharge innovation in the Arbitrum ecosystem by investing in up to 150 startups through a $50 million dedicated investment vehicle. This initiative will run a structured founders program for Seed to Series A startups, providing mentorship, network access, and resources to accelerate ecosystem growth and drive network adoption.


Arbitrum requires strategic investment initiatives to maintain its rapid growth and solidify its position as a leading ecosystem. While Arbitrum has achieved impressive success with a strong user base and Total Value Locked (TVL), competitors like Optimism and Polygon have deployed significantly more capital to fuel their ecosystem growth. This proposal aims to fill the gap at the Seed to Series A level by providing structured value creation, support to new participants, and fostering hyper-connectivity within the ecosystem.

Project Asks

The Arbitrum Startup Collective is requesting a total budget of $50 million over three years, to be allocated as follows:

  • Scout Program (Pre-Seed Focus): Up to $250k per scout with a maximum of 5x investments of up to $50k each.
  • Scale Program (Seed to Series A stage): Investments between $250k and $500k per startup, depending on growth stage, with tailored mentorship, network access, and resources.
  • Follow-on Investments (Series A+): Follow-on investments in up to 20 startups, with investment tickets between $750k and $1M depending on growth stage.

The initiative is designed to cover the startup lifecycle and provide optimal impact through tracks of support and investing, enhancing innovation, driving network growth, and generating financial returns for the Arbitrum DAO.

Ask: $50 million USD.

:ballot_box: Voting Reminders

Active Proposals Live for Voting

The following proposals are available for voting, and we encourage all delegates to analyze and exercise their right to vote.

Pilot Phase: M&A for Arbitrum DAO (Tally)

The 8-weeks M&A pilot phase proposal is the next step toward the Arbitrum M&A proposal outlining the opportunity for Arbitrum DAO to form an M&A Unit focused on identifying and executing on acquisition opportunities.

Ask: 52.000 $ARB
Deadline to vote Sunday, Jun 2, 2024.
Link to vote

Front-end interface to force transaction inclusion during sequencer downtime (Tally)

WakeUp Labs proposal outlines the development of a simple but effective front-end interface that enables users to force-include transactions directly on L1 when the Arbitrum Sequencer is down, aiming to increase trust among end-users navigating the Arbitrum ecosystem.

Ask: 42.500 $ARB
Deadline to vote Monday, Jun 3, 2024.

Link to vote

Catalyze Gaming Ecosystem Growth on Arbitrum (Tally)

The GCP is meant to serve as a catalyst, not a comprehensive program, with a focus around onboarding and supporting high quality builders. After the roll out of the GCP, the aim is to use its learnings to mature the organization into a longer-term gaming program with a comprehensive approach to game ecosystem growth.

This is a three-year program and forecasted amounts may change / require amendment(s) as the program evolves. Any unutilized ARB at the end of the program duration will be returned to the DAO treasury.

Ask: 200m ARB + operations costs.
Deadline to vote Voting stars in two days.

Link to vote

Constitutional AIP - Security Council Improvement Proposal (Tally)

This AIP seeks to upgrade the Arbitrum Security Council structure to ensure Arbitrum remains decentralized and secure by increasing the threshold of the non-emergency Security Council to 9/12.

Ask: The proposal has no overhead for the DAO.
Deadline to vote Sunday, Jun 9, 2024.

Link to vote

ArbitrumDAO Contribution; Safeguarding Software Developers’ Rights (Tally)

This proposal aims to provide financial support from the ArbitrumDAO to the DeFi Education Fund (DEF) and Coin Center to continue their efforts in policy, litigation, and advocacy for open-source software and software developers’ rights.

Ask: 1,000,000 ARB, split equally between DEF and Coin Center.
Deadline to vote Sunday, Jun 9, 2024.

Link to vote

Kwenta x Perennial: Arbitrum Onboarding Incentives (Snapshot)

Kwenta, a prominent DeFi application in the Optimism ecosystem, plans to expand to Arbitrum using Perennial V2, an Arbitrum-native protocol. This joint proposal requests 1.9 million ARB to fund targeted onboarding incentives aimed at bringing Kwenta users to Arbitrum.

Ask: 1.9 million ARB.
Deadline to vote Friday, May 31, 2024

Link to vote

Set up a Sub-Committee for the Security Services Subsidy Fund (Snapshot)

This proposal aims to establish the Security Services Subsidy Fund (SSSF) Sub-committee and requests 60,000 ARB to fund its members over an 8-week cohort.

Ask: 60,000 ARB.
Deadline to vote Thursday, Jun 6, 2024.

Link to vote

No longer Active Proposals for Voting

The following proposals have concluded, and we invite delegates to stay tuned for their development within the Arbitrum DAO. The approval of a proposal is just the beginning, not the end.

:iphone: Governance Calls

:soon: Upcoming Calls:

  • Arbitrum DAO Onboarding
  • Open Discussion of Proposal(s) - Bi-weekly Governance Call
  • Arbitrum Fellowship Calls

You can subscribe and add the Arbitrum governance calls to your calendar here

:books: Arbitrum DAO Resources

Here are some valuable resources of the Arbitrum DAO:

I want to be up to date in theArbitrum DAO

Don’t forget to subscribe to this newsletter: Arbitrum DAO News :wink:

I'm a delegate or contributor in the Arbitrum DAO

:raised_hands:t2: Stay Connected, Stay Informed

Every week, we analyze new proposals, summarize the state of the Arbitrum DAO, and provide you with the tools to contribute and increase your impact in the Arbitrum ecosystem.

About us, @ocandocrypto and @eugenia, we’re core contributors to

Reach out to us on @web3citizenxyz - we would love to hear your feedback!

Until the next edition, happy governing! :blue_heart::orange_heart:

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