[ARDC] DAO Advocate Communication Thread

September Update

September was the last month of ARDC’s engagement. Below, you’ll find a list of all the deliverables we worked on during September and what other deliverables are pending.


Timeboost Revenue and LP Impact Analysis — by Blockworks Research

Although this wasn’t assigned to Blockworks within ARDC, Blockworks performed a revenue and LP impact analysis for Timeboost. In light of the vote on Timeboost and the discussion surrounding it, we published the research in the context of ARDC to help delegates assess the situation better.

Transaction Ordering Policies & Value Accrual in L2s: Timeboost, OP PGA, Fastlane & OEV Network — by Delphi Digital

Delphi Digital compiled and published a memo exploring Timeboost, the recently proposed transaction ordering policy on Arbitrum. The memo both analysed Timeboost, but also compared it to other order transaction mechanisms, such as PGA, FastLane, and OEV Network.

Timeboost Risk Analysis — by ChaosLabs

Chaos Labs was assigned to perform and publish a risk analysis of Timeboost. Although they did identify several minor economic risks, they noted that these do not pose major blocks to the proposal’s implementation from an economic perspective.

Timeboost Security Analysis — by OpenZeppelin

OpenZeppelin was also asked to review Timeboost and look for any security or implementation risks. The review happened on a theoretical level, since there was no code or decentralized version of Timeboost available for OpenZeppelin to review.

RARI Multichain Governance Proposal Security Review — by OpenZeppelin

OpenZeppelin was assigned to review the Rari multichain governance proposal and its specifications. The review didn’t raise any concerns that delegates would need to be aware of.

Arbitrum daoURI Proposal Security Review — by OpenZeppelin

Following a request by @amanwithwings, OpenZeppelin reviewed the Arbitrum daoURI proposal and its specifications. Although no existing functionality will be modified, and no money will be spent from the treasury, OpenZeppelin noted that the DAO would need to assign a trusted manager to maintain the URI.

Current ARDC Work

A high-level overview of the work that is currently on the plates of the members of the ARDC is as follows:

Blockworks Research

  • Retroactive LTIPP Analysis

Delphi Digital

  • To publish a list of incentive programs in other ecosystems (already reviewed by the DAO Advocate)


  • N/A

Chaos Labs

  • Treasury Management risk assessment deliverable to be published (pending DAO Advocate review)

:bulb: September was the last month of ARDC’s engagement and as such no new workstreams will be picked up after all the above ones are delivered.

Requests for the ARDC

There were no new requests for the ARDC during September.

Call to Action

With ARDC’s engagement finishing, we like to ask delegates to review ARDC’s performance over the past six months so they can better assess the proposal for a second term of the ARDC. To aid in delegates’ assessment, we’ll also publish a comprehensive report by the end of the week that will cover everything relevant to the ARDC from inception to conclusion.