Social Media Fellowship - Communication Thread

Arbitrum DAO Social Media Group - First Open Call Agenda

“Introducing the Social Media Group”

Date: 02.05.2024

Time: 7 PM CET

Location: Google meet

…………BUT before we begin, pls share the spiciest thing you ever ate!

1.Introductions & backgrounds (1-15min)

  1. About the call
  2. Short Intro max 3 minutes/each
  3. Read more about the Arbitrum Fellowships here

2.Mapping out common goals (15-35min)

  1. Why are you here? (1-2 minutes each)

  2. What relevant skills do you have for this group? (co-working on the doc)

(Add your name and skills like: content creation, marketing, copy, etc)

ZER8: Twitter Marketing, Growth Marketing, Creative problem solving, etc

Andrei:Sales & Biz Dev with focus on partnerships, and strategic alliances
Karthik: Twitter Space operations, Creative problem solving, Newsletter writing, Event Proomotions, Educational Content Production, Graphic Design

Haier / Sara: Growth Marketing, SEO, Content, Social Media, Digital PR, Product Marketing

René: Organization (PM), sells (in a projects way), social media tools, Biz DEv (in projects and Latam communities), creativity, strategy (do the strategy of brands and comms), video edition (basic way), and little of UX writing.

  1. What other skills do you have?

ZER8: Grant reviews, Qf rounds management, etc


Haier/Sara: CRO (Conversion rate optimization), UX for Marketing, Project Management
Karthik: Product Development, UI/UX Design, Framer Website Development, Strategy
Andrei 2: go to market strategy, biz dev planning, fundraising

3.Mapping Dao needs (35-55)

  1. What is something that Arbitrum DAO really needs social media wise? Feel free to propose multiple items( HOMEWORK)

ZER8: EX: Linkedin account,

S: Research/Development projects for students/young talent - this allows us to involve students to help us create content/marketing.

René: Warpcast, X/Twitter,

  1. What Social Media Outlets does the Arbitrum DAO have atm? (Main account is not included)

Arbitrum DAO Twitter
Arbitrum Universe
Arbitrum Developers
Arbitrum Core