Uniswap-Arbitrum Delegate Program (UADP) Communication Thread

Proposal for Piloting Enhancements and Strengthening the Sustainability of ArbitrumHub in the Year Ahead

Vote: For without retroactive
Type: Snapshot

Although we have some hesitation around the monthly cost of this program, the endeavor is commendable, in particular since the site has already been built. Retroactive funding is tricky, and since the monthly expense is teetering towards the high-end, we don’t think it is justified. That being said, multiple parts of the website could use work. It’s understandable that they’re incomplete—but based on the headers and overall structure, we believe that the organization will be quite helpful for DAO insiders and external parties once populated with data. We understand that such an effort can be placed under an alternative program, like the OpCo. However, since the ArbHub team has already put the dominos in place here, we believe it’s justified for them to carry the mantle. We therefore voted For the proposal, excluding retro funding.

Arbitrum Strategic Objective Setting (SOS) – Defining the DAO’s Interim Goals

Vote: For
Type: Snapshot

A unified front is imperative for DAOs like Arbitrum, where a ton of simultaneous initiatives and incentives are wafting about. The OKR submission period, followed by the 21-day feedback space is a strong, organized way of consolidating various ideas and distilling them down to the most pertinent objectives. This exercise should also help clarify some of the muddied waters around the underlying sentiment behind what people actually think Arbitrum DAO should be focused on. There have been diverging efforts, from RWA to gaming, and Orbit to BOLD. Some of these initiatives are core to the advancement of Arbitrum from a technical and security standpoint like BOLD. These proposals have passed with flying colors. But areas like gaming will be interesting to see, if mentioned at all. An L2 like Arb can go in many directions, and defining the right paths in the short/medium term is vital. We therefore voted For this proposal.

Approve the Nova Fee Sweep Action

Vote: For

Type: Snapshot

This is a really straightforward vote.It would recover all of the historical fees for the DAO and make the fee collection going forward a lot simpler. Additionally, some quality of life improvements as well, easy yes.

Non-Constitutional: Stable Treasury Endowment Program 2.0

Vote: For

Type: Onchain

Our two initial concerns with this proposal regarding its purview and the soundness regarding investing in more t-bills have been addressed and we are satisfied with the adjustments/responses. We are voting in line with our snapshot vote.

OpCo: A DAO-adjacent Entity for Strategy Execution

Vote: For

Type: Onchain

For a while, we have been fans of the OpCo. There are a couple of minor questions but overall, we are in favor of the vision and are voting in line with our snapshot vote.