18 Jun 2024 - Open Discussion of Proposals Governance Call

Hey folks,

The link to join today’s governance call to discuss the proposal pipeline and notable discussions is on the governance calendar.

Date: Jun 18, 2024

Time: 16:00 - 17:00 UTC

Link to join: https://meet.google.com/kvr-bpnx-zix

The agenda below will be fluid. For authors and/or key contributors of these proposals, it would be helpful if you could include a tl;dr / update of your proposal / discussion in the comments so delegates can review them and prepare their questions for the call.

For the ‘proposals up for voting’, as they have been covered in previous governance calls, they will be covered relatively quickly to see if attendees have any questions. Accordingly, most of the call will be used to cover ‘notable discussions’ on proposals.

Tentative Agenda

Proposals up for Voting

Notable Discussions


If anyone has any other items to add, please comment below so they can be added to the agenda.


If you weren’t able to attend the call, you can find the recording here: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1xrif3SZWxQXC7fULT8kNGWRVWwTxaydG/view?usp=sharing


The video is private. Can you please change that anyone with the link can view it? Thanks!

Hey, thanks for flagging. Access settings have been changed :slight_smile:

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Hey @raam, I’d love to present what we are doing regarding Scaling ENS to Arbitrum.
Another interesting point is that ENS has launched V2.

“How does our project contribute to V2, and in what ways does this intersection exist?”

Can we discuss this in a governance call? Is there room for this? That way, we can explain how the initiative to scale ENS to Arbitrum collaborates and contributes to V2.

Thanks! :grin:

Hey @danimim,

There is an #16 Arbitrum Open Governance Call (26.6.2024) happening tomorrow. Alternatively, there will be another ‘Open Discussion of Proposals’ governance call happening next Tuesday (the respective forum post will be made early next week).

Feel free to comment on the forum post of whichever call you would like to present in. :slight_smile:

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Awesome, I guess the meeting tomorrow is already full of projects. I’ll let my team know, but I’d love to be there next Wednesday. I’ll wait for the forum post, Raam.
Thank you so much :star_struck: always helpful

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We can allocate 10 minutes or so to discuss ENS and what you’re doing on Arbitrum. Please let me know if you can make it (call starts 2pm UTC and lasts 1,5hrs) and I’ll add it to the agenda.

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We’ll be there tomorrow, thanks!

@Sinkas, pls lmk if it’s confirmed so I can add it to the team agenda :blush:


Confirmed, I’ll add it to the agenda

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