Arbitrum GovMonth Week 1: Your Voice Matters!

GovMonth Friday wrap up

Welcome to our first GovMonth Friday wrap up. And all we can say is wow. Just wow. It’s all a bit overwhelming, so let’s hit the highlights:

Week 1 kickoff

On Tuesday, the #GovMonth kick-off was hosted by the Arbitrum Foundation with special guests from Plurality Labs and ThriveCoin. We had about 600 community members listen in and something north of 19K impressions.

Link to the twitterspace

On Wednesday #GovMonth had our first partner deep dive hosted by ArbitrumNewsDAO, with guests from ThriveCoin, PushProtocol, and QuestBook. The audience was smaller, but we had some great insights. Link to the twitterspace

On Friday, momentum has been bolstered by GitcoinGrants announcing that GrantsStack is now available on Arbitrum One:

As we close our week, our socials have exploded. Our #GovMonth kick off tweet has over 51,000 impressions and over 11,000 retweets:

The @ArbitrumGrants twitter account exploded. We grew to +4000 twitter followers in 22 days and with more than 7000 subscribers, Arbitrum now has one of the largest PushProtcol subscriber bases, surpassing CoinDesk, Snapshot, LensProtocol, and the EthGasPriceTracker. In four days.

In reality, that is all just eye-candy. Let’s talk real work.

DAO Mission, Vision, Values & Priorities

Thanks to people like @criptonita.lens, @tekr0x.lens, @handlefi.lens, @4165306.eth, @02211.lens and many many others who submitted entries on Jokerace, we have LOTS of data to help guide our Strategic Framework.

Let’s do the numbers:

Long-term Priorities to Enhance Growth and Innovation Entries: 2345
One idea that we are seeing consistently: Ecosystem Diversity: including developers, users, projects, investors, and researchers.

Short-term Priorities to Reduce Friction Entries: 2668
One idea that caught our attention: Raise awareness of the benefits of Arbitrum and Layer 2 to overcome the inertia of users accustomed to using Ethereum directly.

Vision Statement Entries: 2215
One idea that we are excited about: We ignite a global movement - where decentralized governance and personal expression emerge as the guiding light for equity and inclusivity.

Mission Statement Entries: 2276
We’re seeing smart suggestions like this come in: To bridge the gap between traditional finance and the decentralized future, ensuring that our solutions are not only cutting-edge but also approachable to all.

Looking to next week:

It’s another break-neck pace - here are a few highlights:

  • Announce the winner of the 10K ARB Snapshot raffle
  • Share learnings from our first week of JokeRace
  • Launch ~6 new contribution experiments at
  • Host a twitterspace with Partners Gitcoin, Ethelo and JokeRace

And the big one:

  • Kick off our 100K Arbitrum grant on Gitcoin Grant Fest powered by Arbitrum One

It has been an exhausting week, and there is no way we could have done with without help from the Arbitrum Foundation, ArbitrumNewsDAO, ThriveCoin, Snapshot, QuestBook, JokeRace, PushProtocol, delegates, and above all, the ever amazing Arbinauts,

it’s not too late to join in the fun.
Go to to see the latest contributions
Get the latest grant news at @arbitrumGrants
Watch for Alpha leaks shared on our PushProtocol Thank ARB channel