Arbitrum GovMonth Week 2: Your Opinion Matters!

The Arbitrum DAO is on Fire! If you missed our Friday wrap up head back to the forum to catch the summary of results. Alpha leak: it has lots of big numbers.

What’s happening this week?

This week we invite you to participate in four challenges to shape ArbitrumDAO’s strategic framework and two grant-related opportunities.

  1. if you have not signed up for GovMonth rewards - do that now at
  2. Vote for your favorite JokeRace submissions from last week’s mission, vision, values, and and long term priorities: 16,000 ARB is up for grabs
  3. Ethelo - deeper dive on values & sentiment: 10,000 ARB
  4. Push Protocol - leaning into web3 native communications: 5,000 ARB
  5. Vote on snapshot for the Questbook Domain Allocators 10,000 ARB
  6. Arbitrum on Gitcoin Grant Funding Fest! 100K ARB up for grantees!

All of these challenges will be listed at, and all of them will be loaded fresh every Tuesday. Aside from the challenges, here are the GovMonth happenings during the week

In Closing:
This week is going to be as exciting as last, and we look forward to it. Make sure you don’t miss a thing by:

to da moon!


thats real and da moon


GovMonth Friday wrap up 09.15

Welcome to our second GovMonth Friday wrap up. The momentum continues and we are starting to get some solid insights - here are the details:

On Tuesday #GovMonth launched the @arbitrum @Gitcoin Grant Funding Fest - to date the kick off tweet has 27K views and 2908 re-xs. We have received 39 grant submissions to date and expect a surge of applications over the weekend. At the moment we are light on applications for the “developer tooling on Nova” domain - if you know any developers, please pass the word!

On Wednesday #GovMonth had our second partner deep dive hosted by ArbitrumNewsDAO, with guests from Gitcoin and JokeRace. A solid discussion about grant submission and governance innovation.

On Thursday we had Gitcoin join us again for the Gitcoin Grants kick off hosted by Arbitrum where we talked to grantees as well as described how to get in on the grants.

As we close our week, our socials continue to grow. Our #GovMonth kick off tweet has over 127K impressions and over 19,000 retweets

The @ArbitrumGrants account now has nearly 7000 followers and Arbitrum now has the third largest PushProtcol subscriber bases with 13000 subscribers.

Now to the real sense and respond results.
To note, we do not receive former week results until the following Tuesday so we will be about a week behind when we report on Friday. Regardless, the results are pretty awesome. Our community is on fire with ideas pouring in, and we love every moment! :rocket: We’re beyond grateful for the incredible number and range of voices and concepts shaping ArbitrumDAO’s Vision, Mission, Values, and long and short-term priorities.

Week 1 Results

6717 allow-list linked accounts Retweeted our Kick-off announcement
10519 accounts from our allow-list signed up for Push
5921 accounts from our allow-list voted in ALL 4 Domain Allocator Shapshot polls (well over 10% of the vote total on each election)
17764 Submissions from our allow-list came into JokeRace (roughly 4450 allow-list addresses)

But here’s the twist: Alongside the gems we asked for, we’ve stumbled upon some submissions that took us on a deep and laughter-filled ride. :robot: These entries might not have been what we expected, but they sure got us thinking and chuckling:

• “A man is not old until regrets take the place of dreams.”
• “Better to do something imperfectly than to do nothing flawlessly.”
• “Jack feell off his bicycle and got hurt. A beautiful young nurse asked him to fill forms. Jack finished them and gave them back. “Anything else? The nurse asked. “Yes.” Jack thinks for a while and said “I’m a bachelor.” :man_biking::joy:

We can’t thank you enough for the wild ride of relevant and delightfully irrelevant entries. Together, we’re learning, laughing, and building something extraordinary! :raised_hands::bulb::smile:

On a more serious note, tune in next week when we’ll share data-based, emerging themes across all contests.

it’s not too late to join in the fun.
Go to to see the latest contributions
Get the latest grant news at @arbitrumGrants
Watch for Alpha leaks shared on our PushProtocol Thank ARB channel