Curia Delegate Communication Thread

Proposals: Approval of STEP committee recommendations

Vote: For

Rationale: We support the STEP Committee’s recommendations because they focus on six RWA providers , which helps avoid spreading resources too thin. Additionally, we appreciate the committee’s call for clearer priorities in the future. We are also interested in learning more about the exact timeline and details of the proposal’s execution.

Proposals: Improving Predictability in Arbitrum DAO’s Operations

Vote: Improving Predictability

Rationale: We are voting in favor of predictability. It is essential for people to know when they need to act, as this role carries job-like responsibilities and compensation. We also agree with JOJO’s point that more information is needed before implementing delegate approval for Snapshot.

Proposals: Pilot for a Questbook Jumpstart fund for problem definition and DAO improvement

Vote: Against

Rationale: We have decided to vote against the ‘Jumpstart Fund for DAO Improvement’ proposal at this time. We believe initiatives should be funded through the existing Firestarter track, which has a proven record with projects like STIP, STEP, and ADPC, and has a capable team and effective evaluation method. Creating another fund may lead to redundancy and inefficiency. The DAO’s proposal metrics show that things are running smoothly, with many great ideas constantly being presented. Adding more funding for something already done well seems counterintuitive.

Proposals: Gaming Catalyst Program (GCP) Council Voting

Vote: @coinflip / @DavidBolger / @thedevanshmehta / @karkar4444

Rationale: Thanks to all the candidates for applying. Here is our list of who we think are suitable for this position:


With a robust background in governance, CoinflipCanada has demonstrated strong capabilities in overseeing DAO operations and ensuring transparency. His extensive involvement with GMX and Arbitrum positions him as a key contributor to the council.

@DavidBolger :

As the Gaming Partnerships Lead at Offchain Labs, David has a deep understanding of the gaming sector within the blockchain space. His experience in managing numerous gaming companies and ecosystems makes him a valuable asset for the council.

@thedevanshmehta :

Devansh’s leadership in the Stable Treasury Endowment Program (STEP) and his active role in the Arbitrum Treasury WG 2 highlight his proficiency in treasury management and DAO governance. His experience with Gitcoin and Octant further solidifies his expertise.

@karkar4444 :

Karthik brings extensive venture capital experience from his role at Polychain Capital, where he has been instrumental in strategic investments and shaping industry protocols. His board position at Arbitrum and significant deals led at Polychain Capital make him an exceptional candidate.

Proposals: Entropy Advisors: Exclusively Working With Arbitrum DAO

Vote: Fund Entropy

Rationale: After reviewing the proposal and comments from other delegates, we are in favor of this proposal. The Entropy Advisors team has shown valuable past contributions. We believe that Arbitrum DAO needs dedicated full-time members to tackle organizational challenges. The proposal’s six core focus areas are essential for transformation. The exclusivity ensures focused efforts, and the budget plan ties payments to actual wages for transparency. Additionally, all the problems raised by JO regarding the DAO have been on point and need to be addressed. We believe this proposal will significantly benefit the DAO’s long-term success. Therefore, we will be voting FOR the proposal.

Proposals: Furucombo’s Misuse of Funds

Vote: For Ban Furucombo

Rationale: We support banning Furucombo due to their inconsistent financial reports, lack of transparency, and missed deadlines. These issues raise serious concerns about their reliability and integrity. To maintain trust in the Arbitrum community, it is important to stop funding projects with such red flags. Banning Furucombo will help ensure that only transparent and accountable projects receive support.

Proposals: Change Arbitrum Expansion Program to allow deployments of new Orbit chains on any blockchain

Vote: Against Only Ethereum L1

Rationale: We agree with @krst and @paulofonseca opinions and believe that Arbitrum should remain aligned with the values of the Ethereum community. It is crucial to focus on building and growing within the Ethereum ecosystem rather than diverting resources and attention to other blockchains. Supporting Ethereum ensures that we contribute to a truly decentralized, permissionless, and trustless future of finance.

Proposals: [Non-constitutional] Incentives Detox Proposal

Vote: For

Rationale: We support this proposal as it provides a sensible 3-month pause on the incentive programs. This break allows for a thorough analysis of current data to develop a more effective and sustainable long-term incentive strategy. Such a measured, data-driven approach is essential for ensuring the best use of resources and the overall health of the Arbitrum ecosystem.

Proposals: ARB Staking: Unlock ARB Utility and Align Governance

Vote: For

Rationale: @Frisson Thank you so much to coming up with this, We will vote FOR to the ARB Staking proposal because it offers a critical enhancement to the ARB token’s utility, addressing recent challenges with token value and treasury pressure. with the staking, it could stabilize ARB’s price and strengthen governance by incentivizing active participation. We see a lot of potential in this initiative and believe it will provide valuable insights for developing a sustainable model that benefits the entire Arbitrum ecosystem.
However, as @maxlomu mentioned, addressing the ADRC’s questions in more detail, especially regarding delegate incentives and the economic roadmap, would further strengthen the proposal and ensure a well-rounded approach.

Proposals: Transparency and Standardized Metrics for Orbit Chains

Vote: For

Rationale: We will support this proposal because it adds crucial transparency by including information on how much fees Orbit Chains pay back to Arbitrum, something current tools don’t provide. This data is essential for ArbitrumDAO to anticipate developments and make informed decisions for the ecosystem’s future.

Additionally, we believe the information provided by the platform will be valuable not only for users but also for the DAO in making decisions on Orbit Chain initiatives, such as incentive programs for Orbit Chains. However, we do have some concerns about the budget, though we expect costs for adding new chains to decrease as the project scales. We also support the idea of future proposals like this going through a competitive process and suggest funding similar initiatives through a dedicated grant program. Diversifying information sources will provide a more comprehensive understanding and strengthen decision-making.

Proposals: ArbitrumDAO Governance Analytics Dashboard

Vote: Abstain

Rationale: Abstain as this is our proposal

Proposals: Should the DAO Default to using Shielded Voting for Snapshot Votes?

Vote: For Election Only

Rationale: We will vote in favor of using shielded voting for elections only. This method ensures that votes are independent and free from early influence, promoting fairness during critical elections while maintaining transparency after the voting period ends.

Proposals: Proposal to Temporary Extend Delegate Incentive System.

Vote: For

Rationale: We support this proposal as it has proven effective in enhancing delegate participation, which is crucial for the DAO’s success. Extending the program ensures we continue this progress while developing more comprehensive metrics to evaluate delegate performance. Additionally, considering a mix of USD and ARB for certain costs during this extension could offer better financial stability.

Proposals: ArbitrumDAO Off-site

Vote: For

Rationale: We are voting in favor of the ArbitrumDAO Offsite on Snapshot, as it has the potential to enhance community collaboration. However, we suggest providing a more detailed budget breakdown to ensure all costs are adequately covered, considering hybrid participation options like summaries or recordings for those unable to attend in person, and prioritizing security measures to ensure the safety of all delegates traveling to an unfamiliar area.

Proposals: An (EIP-4824 powered) daoURI for the Arbitrum DAO

Vote: Against

Rationale: We will be voting against this proposal as it should follow the proper formal process.

Proposals: Strategic Treasury Management on Arbitrum

Vote: For

Rationale: We’re voting for this initiative because it’s an important step in diversifying Arbitrum’s treasury and reducing the risk tied to ARB. While we acknowledge the benefits of a broader competitive process and prefer performance-based fees, we trust Karpatkey’s expertise and believe it’s necessary to move forward now. We support this proposal and look forward to its development, with the potential for future improvements through community input.

Proposals: Should the DAO Create COI & Self Voting Policies?

Vote: Disclosure Policy

Rationale: We are voting FOR the “Disclosure Policy” because it offers a straightforward and effective approach to managing conflicts of interest within the DAO. Transparency is essential for maintaining trust, and this policy will help ensure that all potential conflicts are disclosed and addressed appropriately. We believe this is a crucial step in aligning the DAO’s interests with those of its participants while preserving the integrity of the decision-making process.

Proposals: Ethereum Protocol Attackathon Sponsorship

Vote: Against

Rationale: We really value initiatives that focus on Ethereum security, as it’s crucial for the long-term success of Arbitrum and the entire ecosystem. However, the amount requested feels like a bit too much for this sponsorship, especially since it’s an online event and our main benefit would be having our logo displayed in a few places. While we support the idea behind this, we believe the cost doesn’t quite match the value Arbitrum would receive, so we’ll be voting against this proposal.

Proposals: [Constitutional] Extend Delay on L2Time Lock

Vote: For

Rationale: We support extending the L2 time lock. It gives the community more time to review decisions, making the process safer and more thoughtful. The slight delay is worth it for better security. The trade-off of slightly slower processes is justified by the increased protection against rushed or poorly considered actions.

Proposals: STIP-Bridge Operational Budget

Vote: For

Rationale: We are voting in favor of the ‘STIP Bridge Operational Budget’ proposal. The details are clear, and we’ve already discussed and approved the funds, so we support this to ensure the continued operation and enhancement of the STIP Bridge.

Proposals: [Replace Oversight Committee with MSS] Delegate to Voter Enfranchisement Pool — Event Horizon

Vote: For Replace with MSS

Rationale: 1.We have decided to support the Event Horizon proposal on tally due to its potential to enhance inclusivity within the ArbitrumDAO.

Although our concerns align with those expressed by 404DAO, we wanted to focus particularly on the participation rate within the voter pool. It is crucial to ensure the engagement level is high and based on informed decision rather than noise for the purpose of incentives. The decision-making processes of these voter pass holders should as well align with Arbitrum’s core values. Hence, we believe it is important to closely monitoring how this initiative evolves and impacts our ecosystem.

Overall we are excited about the idea of empowering underrepresented voices within the DAO. With the new adjustment on benchmark thresholds that would have to be met before the vesting of a given ARB allotment, we believe that this is a good starting point for the initiative.

2.We support the proposal to replace the Oversight Committee with the MSS, as it will enhance security, and avoid redundancy, leading to a more streamlined and efficient governance process.

Proposals: ArbitrumDAO Procurement Committee Phase II

Vote: Yes - Extend

Rationale: We are supporting the extension of the ADPC due to the significant progress demonstrated in Phase I, particularly in establishing critical procurement frameworks and promoting transparency within the DAO. The committee’s foundational work in the whitelisting process for security providers and their active community engagement are essential to ensuring accountability and operational efficiency.

Proposals: [Pyth Network] Arbitrum LTIPP Extension Request

Vote: Against

Rationale: We will be voting against the Synthetix LTIP & Pyth Grant Extension at this time, as the Detox Proposal has just passed, signaling a need to pause and reassess incentive programs. While Synthetix has performed well, granting an extension would create an unfair advantage over other projects that have completed their incentive periods without extensions.

Proposals: Enhancing Multichain Governance: Upgrading RARI Governance Token on Arbitrum

Vote: For

Rationale: We are in favor of the RARI token contract upgrade and the shift of its governance to the Arbitrum.

Proposals: Synthetix LTIP Grant Extension Request

Vote: Against

Rationale: We will be voting against the Synthetix LTIP Grant Extension at this time, as the Detox Proposal has just passed, signaling a need to pause and reassess incentive programs. While Synthetix has performed well, granting an extension would create an unfair advantage over other projects that have completed their incentive periods without extensions.

Proposals: Fund the Stylus Sprint

Vote: For

Rationale: We support this proposal because it’s the right time to push this initiative, maintain momentum, and increase stylus developer adoption. Arbitrum can attract more developers and foster innovation. Additionally, we also agree that using RPGF would be a great approach to further support this initiative.

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