Entropy Advisors Delegate Communication Thread

Delegate Address: 0xb4c064f466931B8d0F637654c916E3F203c46f13
Forum Handle: @Entropy
Team Member Handles: @MattOnChain, @swmartin, @pruitt
Website: https://entropyadvisors.com/
Twitter: x.com/EntropyAdvisors

About Us

At Entropy, we believe that effective coordination within DAOs is a prerequisite to crypto delivering on its promise of a globally accessible internet of value. As the leading scaling tech stack, we view Arbitrum as best primed to deliver on this vision and have therefore committed to work exclusively with the Arbitrum DAO. Our team is composed of crypto natives, with previous experience at Blockworks Research and 404 DAO.

Delegate Statement

Our primary objective for the Arbitrum DAO is to ensure that the Arbitrum tech stack becomes the most widely adopted infrastructure in the entire blockchain ecosystem. We envision a world where investors, users, and developers focus on contributing to the Arbitrum ecosystem without even making the conscious decision to do so, primarily because the network effects have grown so exponentially that “Why Arbitrum?” is no longer a question being asked. We believe the Arbitrum tech speaks for itself in practice, and that with proper stewardship and contributions to the Arbitrum DAO, the aforementioned question will turn into “Why not Arbitrum?”.

We are interested in contributing to all areas of the Arbitrum ecosystem as needs arise, but will be focusing on improving governance participation as well as tooling and protocol decentralization. The Arbitrum DAO is Entropy Advisors’ only customer, which is not something many other Arbitrum delegates can tout today. Our employees have extensive experience in research and have been active across numerous DAOs in the past, but have identified Arbitrum as the most promising technology stack and want to put all of our time, effort, and collective brainpower into ensuring the sustainable growth of the ecosystem – powered by the Arbitrum DAO.

Put simply, we believe in a diverse and highly capable delegate base, a DAO that is sustainable through diversified and robust revenue streams, responsible and carefully calculated spending that encourages the growth of the ecosystem, a highly intellectual group of service providers that can effectively execute on tasks on behalf of the DAO, and measures for accountability/processes that can stand the test of time.

Conflicts of Interest

Entropy Advisors often authors or is directly involved in several proposals within Arbitrum DAO. As a delegate, we acknowledge that there will likely be instances where it will be a conflict of interest for us to vote on a proposal. Going forward we will be abstaining from Snapshot and Tally votes that directly place Entropy in a position of power.

In general, our team will lean towards overcommunication and abstaining in the event of any other perceived conflicts of interest.